Friday, 25 February 2011

Its definitely not finished yet. I dont think so...well I dont know we shall see, considering the time i have left before the exhibition.
Whilst unwell over the fantabulous/crap valentines period, I was put in a position of not being able/not wanting to leave my hidden bunker that I work in to take photos of strange and wonderful faces. So i resorted to taking photos of my own face on my computer (weird,uncomfortable and very self indulgent!) BUT! I had to paint, so a self portrait it is. I do feel that sometimes my brain is a big fat mess!!! and wanted to kind of show this, a bit like my boys mind is very magical, they are very similar styles, yet totally different to me. Bit like my boy and I I feel. A nice mesh of colourful magic and mess.
Hello blog brains..I decided to try and paint an images of my boy. He has a very eccentric, magical brain. I love his camel eyes also! They are funny. and a little bit beautiful.

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

A little edie face, this canvas is really small...which makes a change as i LOVE to paint big!!! However, living underground with not much space to make the canvases as BIG as i would like is the case whist doing the artist residence, I will settle! At least i can move them easier that the big ones!!! Its not ideal when its raining an they are hanging out the back of my mums car, resorting in a family argument in the street!!! I do love you mum and dad. But please buy a bigger car which will make it easier to move my big canvases. x
It is a bit sad that I always resort to painting her. Its so predictable but she was sooooo yummie!!!
My obsession got the better of me.....and I had to paint her

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Oh nan. I think I may have lost it with the hair!
Here, this does represent my nans mind. Mad.
I have wanted to create another painting like the queen. But, this time with an image of my nan. I liked the way the queen came out and the representation of meaning that I had in my mind when painting it. I wanted to create something similar with my nan but i want it to represent her in the way that i paint her.....i don't think i am making much sense?! But i know what I want to achieve, I don't think i have reached that yet with this painting....but I'm slowly learning not to over paint. However, I am starting to miss going mental with my paints! I will have to have a paint blow out soon!!!
I was thinking of selling these little postcards at the exhibition in little packs of five, so others can let their sexy boys and girls know that they make their belly flip on a daily basis!
Hello Blog!!! how are you blogging bloggers? I went back home to London town with a bad chest and my head hung low, feeling sorry for myself. I had spent valentines day in bed....ill!!! It was a sad day (especially for my boy who got the aggression that came with my non stop sneezing for 24hrs) i was miserable to be with! BUT!! inspired my moody mind! If i'm a witch to my gorgeous loving magical boyfriend all day because i'm feeling sorry for can I make him fall in love me and think i'm adorable again! WELL..... send him a little loving postcard. I left one on his pillow. And now he loves me again!! wooooooooo!

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

A new piece that i started today, I wanted to do a piece on joes gran from when she had grown older... in her 90's! faaaabulous! I want to really careful with the colour i pick to represent particular things. And not to work into it to much! I want to concentrate on little details.
I do think that every mark i make does depend on how the person in the image affects me.

oooohhhh my nan. The eyes. 
I have been thinking about doing a few more in this style. I really like the gentleness of the face against the manicness of the crown...

Today my lovely friend alex left artist residence.....boooooooooooooo! BUT!...there is some good news..he took some close up pictures of my work close up...woooooooooo! Thank you alex. Im going to miss you. And your christmas cake. Come back soon to hand out with the starlings!!!

Monday, 7 February 2011

The beginning of joe's gran.

This is from an image taken from one of the most wonderful people i knows gran (She was AMAZING also!) I was lucky enough to meet her a few times and she really made me smile and feel warm inside on those occasions....i hope hope hope i grow old like her, she was fun!!! Joe has been really lovely and sent me some beautiful images of her in your young days in the 1920's! they are beauuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful and intend on using some of them for the exhibition. Just the history and the feeling of seeing this wonderful old lady grown over time in pictures was really magical and made my belly go funny(and get a bit emotional actually!) I love knowing the history of the people i paint, it helps me paint in a particular way for each individual i think. 
This is me trying not to OVERPAINT...which is what i always end up doing and ruining work. I have been thinking that i want to work like this for the exhibition, really concentrate on keeping it very simple. Try and not throw red paint at every image i paint!!!!  What a handsome chap he was.
ahhhhh, My little gallery shelf.
In the Artist residence gallery... some of the little romantic pieces....
Hello Elizabeth you little hipster...

Underground in my little studio......I am a mole
your my favourite monarch..x
Look at all the little monarchs hanging out in my room!!!!...
Iv been looking at monarchs from the wonderful and decadent (if you were ridiculously rich and royalty) past. I have, as i always do, used unprimed canvas so the in and paint bleed together to create a weirdly eerie washed away look. I want to somehow relate this to my exhibition. I am still so obsessed that each person eventually goes away. I love painting weird and wonderful looking people....especially if they are old!!!! i love wrinkly skin. But still struggling with  a name for the private viewing of the exhibition...ah! brain, work for me!   
you and him are all that matters in this messy little world....
when all you can think about is him...
when all you want to say is....i love you!!!
love me!
i have been VERY BUSY painting over the last....what is it...3 weeks. This is not how your supposed to do this blogging this is it!Its supposed to be continuous! and will be!!! work harder jess!!! work harder at keeping a blog....and painting...and finding somewhere to live in brighton by the seaside with a balcony over looking the sea with the magical starlings in my view for not that much money a month!!! it cannot be that hard can it?.... anyway some new work to delight my wonderful follower alex! thank you alex.

Something for the love birds amongst us....VALENTINES HERE WE COME!!!!!!!